Bootstrap Multiselect Dropdown With Checkbox Using Jquery In Php

Bootstrap Multiselect Dropdown With Checkbox Using Jquery In Php

In this tutorial, we will explain to you how to create bootstrap multiselect dropdown with checkbox using jquery In Php. Sometimes we need to select multiple options in the dropdown list with checkbox to search items.

In this example, We use the bootstrap multiselect plugin for create multiple dropdown with checkbox using Bootstrap, jQuery and PHP.
Multiselect Dropdown With Checkbox

Include Bootstrap and jQuery CDN Files

In this step, We need to include the bootstrap CDN and jquery CDN in our PHP file.

Create Multiselect Dropdown with Checkbox

Now, we will create the jquery multiselect dropdown using bootstrap. so you can see our full example code file.

Implement Multiselect Dropdown Checkbox

Now we will implement multiselect dropdown checkbox using jquery. so you can see the below example.


Get Selected Values on Form Submit

Now finally When the user submits the form then data will be inserted into the database.
