Hello guys, In this article, we will explain to you how to update php 7 to php 8 in xampp on windows. so we will give you a simple example of How to upgrade php 7 to 8 in xampp on windows. This article provides all the steps required to update or upgrade the PHP version to PHP 8 in XAMPP.
Step 1: Download php 8 zip file
Visit this link https://sourceforge.net/projects/xampp/ and then download the zip file that at the moment of publishing this tutorial is /XAMPP Windows/8.1.12/xampp-windows-x64-8.1.12-0-VS16
Step 2: Extract php folder and rename the folder
In this step, we will extract the PHP folder from the zip file. rename the php folder to php8 after extracting the folder.
Step 3: Past the php8 folder in the Xampp folder
In this step, we will past the php8 folder in the xampp folder directory.
Step 4: Open Apache Config Panel
Click on the Config button and open the Apache configuration file. so you can follow the screenshot below.
Step 5: Open Config File
Here we open the configuration file and you can see the path in the following screenshot to change. so we highlight that path in the following screenshot.
Step 6: Update PHP Installation Path
In this step, we will update the path to upgrade the version from php 7 to php 8. so you can see below highlighted that path in the screenshot below.
Step 7: Save Configuration and restart Apache
In this step, we will save the Configuration file and restart the apache server.
Step 8: Verify PHP
Finally, we will cross check the version of PHP. is it updated or not? in our case, it has successfully updated the version to php 8.