Laravel 8 Query Scope Example Tutorial

Laravel 8 Query Scope Example Tutorial

In this article, we will explain to you how to create model eloquent query scope in laravel 8 or how to use model eloquent query scope in laravel 8(Laravel 8 Query Scope Example Tutorial).

The laravel scope is one type of query. That helps to create the dynamic query scope in laravel 8 application. if you want to create a custom query then we can easily create a custom query scope by using laravel scopes eloquent tutorial example.

sometimes, we use the same logic another time but if you do not want use to the same logic again then you can use the laravel model eloquent scope.

Create Scope in Model

In this example, we will add the scope query in our model file. so you can see our example file.

Use query scope in laravel

Here, we will use the query scope in controller file. so you can see our example.

Dynamic scope query in laravel

In this example, we will add the dynamic scope query in our model file. so you can see our example file.

Use dynamic query scope in laravel

Here, we will use the dynamic query scope in controller file. so you can see our example.

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