PHP Registration with Email Verification using OTP

PHP Registration with Email Verification using OTP

In this article, we will explain to you how to PHP registration with email verification using OTP. Sometimes when users register at a time send OTP in the mail. so we will see the example of how this can it possible in PHP.

Create database table in MySQL

Connect to Database

Create a  new connection.php file. The code below is to provide how to connect with the database.
The following code is used to connect MySQL from PHP. It requires hostname, database username, database password, and database name.

PHP Login Registration with Email Verification using OTP

Create a new PHP file register.php in this file in add the below code. in this example, we will create the user registration form using PHP. After the submit the register button then we will check all fields are mandatory or not. if all fields are not empty then we will store the data in the database and send OTP email.
register using php

Email OTP Verification using PHP

verify using otp email

Resend Email using PHP

resend email otp


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