How to Manage Multiple Applications in CodeIgniter
Today, we are going to explain to you how to manage multiple applications in Codeigniter. Codeigniter is a PHP framework and it is an open-source framework. many developers asking that can we run multiple applications on one CI system? but, it is possible so kindly see the below tutorial.
Now, let’s start how to manage multiple applications on one ci system. first, we will take the directories name ‘app1’ and ‘app2’ and create the app1 and app2 directories in the root directory of CodeIgniter.
Change for app1
We will Copy the ‘index.php’ file and application directory inside the ‘app1’ folder.
we will change the following variables of the ‘index.php’ file inside the ‘app1’ directory.
Change for app2
Here in this step the same as an above step but we will paste in the ‘app2’ directory.
After complete the above step then we will some change in the view file. so we can know which app runs. we will change the views/welcome.php file in the ‘app2’ directory.
Now you can access both applications using below Url.