Dynamic Dependent Dropdown in PHP using jQuery AJAX

Dynamic Dependent Dropdown in PHP using jQuery AJAX

In this tutorial, we will discuss how to create a dynamic dependent dropdown in PHP using jquery and ajax. The dynamic dependent select box depends on another dropdown so here we will use the ajax. because when the user changes the dropdown at that time we need to ajax. because of without reloading the page we can get the data by ajax. so here we will use the ajax dynamic dependent dropdown.

Here we are taking an example of Dynamic dependent dropdown country, state, and city in PHP using jQuery AJAX. When a country dropdown is selected, the relevant states will be retrieved from the MySQL database and will be displayed in the state dropdown list. As when a state is selected, the relevant cities will be retrieved from the MySQL database and will be displayed in the cities dropdown list.

So you can follow the below steps and see our example for Dynamic Dependent Dropdown in PHP using jQuery AJAX.


Create a Database and Table

Connect to Database

Create Dynamic Dependent Select Boxes

Retrieved dependent data from database using jquery ajax

Create a Database and Table

First of all for we will create a database and table. after then we will add dummy data in the table. here we take the products table and also added products related data into the product table. so you can see the below code.

Connect to Database

Here in this step, we will create a config.php file to connecting the MySQL with PHP. so you can see the below code for configuration.


Create Dynamic Dependent Select Boxes

we need to create the index.php file. after we will create three dropdown boxes(like as country, state, and city) using the bootstrap. we are fetching direct country data from the database and do not use any ajax for the country data. so you can see our example.

Retrieved dependent data from database using jquery ajax




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