How To Create Line & Area Chart In Codeigniter With AmChart

How To Create Line & Area Chart In Codeigniter With AmChart

In this article, we will explain to you how to Create Line & Area Chart In Codeigniter with AmCharts. today we will fetch data into MySQL, and plot a Line & Area graph.

There are many types of charts provide by AmCharts, like a bar chart, area chart, line chart, pie chart, etc. but here we use a bar chart.

We can easily integrate AmCharts with TypeScript, PHP, Angular, React. here In this article, we are using AmCharts version 3. so you can see below the following steps.


Step 1: Create a Database in table
Step 2: Connect to Database
Step 3: Create Controller
Step 4: Create View File

Step 1: Create Database in table
In this step, we have to create a table in the database, so we will create a database using the below code.

Step 2: Connect to Database
Go to the config folder and open database.php file some changes in this file like hostname, database username, database password, and database name.

Step 3: Create Controller
In this step, we will create an Amchart.php file in the “application/controller” directory and paste the below code in this controller. here we will fetch data Day Wise Count Login Users Of Current Month from the database. that data will be pass in an Amchart and creating Line & Area graphs.

Step 4: Create View File
So finally, we will create the line_chart.php file in the “application/views/” directory.

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