How To Install Laravel 8 On Ubuntu 16.04 And 18.04

How To Install Laravel 8 On Ubuntu 16.04 And 18.04

In this article, we will learn how to install Laravel 8 on Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04 from scratch with an example.

If we want to install laravel framework then first require LAMP for our system. so first we will install LAMP in our system.

We need to install apache server MySQL and PHP. if you didn’t install in your system then you can install through the below article URL.

So you can follow the below steps for install Laravel 8 on Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04.


Step 1: Install Composer
Step 2: Install Laravel 8
Step 3: Configure Apache2
Step 4: Enable Laravel virtual host site and Apache2 Rewrite Module
Step 5: Restart Apache2 server

Step 1: Install Composer

We will download the composer using the below command.

Now we move the composer.phar file into the bin folder and set the permission for all users.

Step 2: Install Laravel 8

In this step, we will move on root directory “/var/www/html” and .download and install fresh laravel.

After installation laravel 8, we need to permission for the new directory. so we will set permission using the below command.

Step 3: Configure Apache2

in this step, we will configure the Apache2 site configuration file for Laravel. Run the below command to create a new configuration file. like laravel.conf

After creating a file, copy and paste below the code in this file and save it.

Enable Laravel virtual host site and Apache2 Rewrite Module

After the configuring Apache2 server. We will need to enable laravel virtual host site and Apache2 rewrite module. so we will enable using the below command.

Step 4: Restart Apache2 server

After the follow all the above changes. We will need to restart Apache2 using the below command.

Step 5: Run Our Laravel Application

Now, we will run our example using the below Url in the browser.