Laravel 7 Form Validation Example Tutorial

Laravel 7 Form Validation Example Tutorial

Today, We explain to you and how to create step by step form validation example in laravel 7(Laravel 7 Form Validation Example Tutorial).

Here we are using all and has methods for form validation. if you want to customize an error message, then you can use the below example through you can make it.

So you can follow the below step.


Step 1: Create Routes
Step 2: Create a Model and Controller
Step 3: Create Blade Files
Step 4: Run Our Laravel Application

Step 1: Create Routes
Add the following route code in the “routes/web.php” file.

Step 2: Create a Model and Controller
Here below command help to create the controller and model.



Step 3: Create Blade Files
So finally, first we will create the new directory “resources/views/student/layouts” and that directory in create a “resources/views/student/layouts/app.blade.php” file. and the second time we will create a list.blade.php in the “resources/ views/student/” directory.


Step 4: Run Our Laravel Application
We can start the server and run this example using the below command.

Now we will run our example using the below Url in the browser.

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