Sending Emails in PHP Using PHPMailer library

Sending Emails in PHP Using PHPMailer library

In this tutorial, we will tell you how to send email in PHP using the PhpMailer(Sending Emails in PHP Using PHPMailer library). PHP provides the mail() function to send email but sometimes that not working. so we will use the PhpMailer library.

basically phpmailer provide an object-oriented interface so we can easily send mail using that library. so we will Download composer and install the composer. follow below URL to you can download composer

After the installation composer, open the cmd and you can download PhpMailer library using the below command.

Now, we will create just contact form using the bootstrap and pass the data through the ajax in the below example.

We will pass data when sending the mail which we the get data through ajax. we have to also the configuration of the setting for the send mail using PhpMailer. we have configurated in below example for the send mail so you can see them.

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