codeigniter 4 image upload example tutorial

codeigniter 4 image upload example tutorial

In this tutorial, We will inform you how to upload an image in CodeIgniter 4(Codeigniter 4 Image Upload Example). In this article, we cover the Codeigniter 4 image validation and upload the image of Codeigniter. So you can easily upload images using our article.

Step 1: Download Codeigniter
Step 2: Basic Configurations
Step 3: Create a Database in table
Step 4: Connect to Database
Step 5: Create Controller
Step 6: Create Routes
Step 7: Create Views Files
Step 8: Run The Application

Step 1: Download Codeigniter
If you want to download or install CodeIgniter 4 then you can below Url.
How To Install Codeigniter 4 Using Manual, Composer, Git

Step 2: Basic Configurations
If you want to Basic Configurations in your project then you can below Url.
Codeigniter 4 Removing Index.Php From Url

Step 3: Create a Database in table
In this step, We will create the database and table.

Step 4: Connect to Database
Go to the “app/Config/Database.php” folder and open the database.php file some changes in this file like hostname, database username, database password, and database name.

Step 5: Create Controller
In this step, we will create an “ImageUpload.php” controller.

Step 6: Create Routes
Add the following route code in the “app/config/Routes.php” file.

Step 7: Create Views Files
Finally, we will create an image.php in the app/views directory.

Step 8: Run The Application
We can start the server and run this example using the below command.

Now we will run our example using the below Url in the browser.

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