How to Install Bootstrap in React Js

How to Install Bootstrap in React Js

In this article, we will explain to you how to install bootstrap in react js. The bootstrap is a CSS framework and it’s used for website design.

here, We will use bootstrap 4 in our react application and explain to you with a simple example. so you can see our button style example.

So, You can learn react js step by step using the following our example.

Create React App

In this step, if you want to create a react js application then you can follow the below command or Url for react js installation.

Install bootstrap in react js

now, After the installation of react js, you can install the bootstrap using the below command.

here, we will import the bootstrap in the index.js file, so you can see the below code.

so you can see the full app.js file and Modify your file using the below code.

Run React js application

If you want to run the application then you can follow the below command. if you any change in your app then use the npm run build and after you can run the application.

Now we will run our application using the below Url in the browser.

reactjs bootstrap

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