How to take database backup in laravel

How to take database backup in laravel

We would like to share with you how to take database backup in laravel(Laravel Database Backup Example).

In this example, we use the laravel provide “spatie/laravel-backup” package for laravel backup.

This package through we can easily take database backup based on daily and hourly using a command line. we can also take MySQL database backup and PostgreSQL database backup from laravel application using this package.

So you can follow the below steps for database backup.


Step 1: Install Package

Step 2: Backup Configuration

Step 3: Take Backup

Step 1: Install Package

Now, We will install spatie/laravel-backup package using the below command.

Step 2: Backup Configuration

This below command through we can automatically register service provider and publish this package.

Step 3: Take Backup

finally, we will take all the files and database using below command.

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